Biblical Reflections to Help You Grasp God's Purpose in Your Suffering
Suffering is real. But so is hope.
Kristen and Sarah have walked through, and are walking in, difficult times. Their collection of thirty biblical reflections ring with honesty about the hurts of life even as they gently encourage other women who are suffering physically, emotionally or psychologically. Each chapter contains a biblical reflection, with questions and prayers, and a space for journaling.
Suffering may last for a season or lifelong, but there is hope -- not just for life beyond suffering, but for life in the suffering.
Kristen Wetherell is Ministry Content Manager at Unlocking the Bible and blogs at She is married to Brad and lives in Chicago.
Sarah Walton is married to Jeff and is mother to four young children. She lives in Chicago and blogs at
Title: Hope When It Hurts
Subtitle: Biblical Reflections to Help You Grasp God's Purpose in Your Suffering
Author: Kristen Wetherell & Sarah Walton
Release Date: April 2017
ISBN-13: 9781784980733
Retail Price: $19.99
Binding: Hardback Cloth
Trim Size: 7.75" x 5.125"
Number of Pages: 256
Publisher’s Website Book’s Website
Kristen’s Website Sarah’s Website